Monday, October 4, 2010
How to tackle "opinion" questions
The challenge is how to form a WELL-INFORMED n LOGICAL opinion based on fact.
If you have to tackle an opinion-based essay (E.g. Which do you prefer; Why do you think; Do you agree that..., etc), please use all the content you've learnt from the book, giving quotes where necessary. You may want to think through your content based on 'Character', 'Relationships' & 'Theme'.
This document contains the discussions I had with 1pr, pe & se on how to use character, rships & theme as building blocks to answer the Q, "Do you agree that the ending to "EOEH" was a good ending?". (2008 exam)
ok I'm really tired now. All the best for your exams :)
Dramatic Monologues Re-submission
1SE: Rachel Kok, Jo-Ann, Sarah Chaw
1PE: Shayna Yap
1PR: Vanessa, Steffi, Melanie, Evangelique, Alevia
Please EITHER give me a new, working soft copy on thumbdrive by Thursday, or come to school on Wed, 13 October (Marking Day 2) to perform for me.
1) Come at 9.30am sharp and call for me at the staffroom.
Any attempt to pass up after this will give you a nil score (as should be from Day 1 of late submission, but I'm being kind). Note that this forms half the Oral component, which is 20% of your exam grade.
Some essay plans by your classmates (optional)
(my apologies, half of this document was lost due to technical error... after I'd already returned the original to Chelsi. Hope you can use the few points here to inspire you to find more)
2. How "The Giver" is related to our lives
Page I
Page II
Page III
3. Relationships between community members in general
4. How Jonas Changed after becoming the Receiver
5. Rship between Jonas & the Giver
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Suggested Answers...
Note that these are suggested points only - you may have other points that are also accepted. Also, don't be flabbergasted by the length of my answer... I write more so that you can learn more. Yours can be about 1-2 para shorter :p
Download it here. Note the use of keywords that continuously link back to the question.
2. For the "The Giver" PBQ
I hate to spoonfeed... but here is the suggested answer.
You may wish to print your own copy before I go through it in class.
Monday, September 27, 2010
1PR only
- Write the question on top of your answer.
- If using non-SCGS paper, please draw a margin on the right side.
- Try to finish Q2 at home too (on "Point of View"). Total length of the whole 2 questions should be AROUND 2 sides of foolscap
Practice for The Giver (PBQ)
Anxious about Paper 3? Well, here's a practice PBQ for you on "The Giver". The actual exam format for "The Giver" will be similar.
Q1 - please SCOUR the passage thoroughly to find points! Comb every line to find possible answers. There's a lot!
Q2 - same as above to find MOOD. (i.e. feelings present/ the general atmosphere among them - how are they feeling? How are they feeling FOR each other/ treating each other?)
2nd part of Q - Think: What are significant changes in Jonas life? How does this affect how he interacts with his family later?
Your total length for this 25m question should be around 1 full sheet (2 sides) of foolscap paper. Remember to use the S.E.E format.
Jia You!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
File Check!
Keep it up. Be tidy and organised ;)
Your content page can be downloaded here.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Summary for 1PR
Remember to practise what we learnt today for summary:
- ONLY include points that answer the Q(s)
- Avoid irrelevant sentences - don't waste words
- Follow instructions carefully - use only paragraphs/pages stated in the instructions!
- Paraphrase whenever possible! (For practice, use a Thesaurus or Microsoft Word's synonyms
- Make sure you have at least 10 pts before you start writing
- In your table, phrase the points to answer the Qs.
Here are the instructions for today's assignment. Please include the Q, the Table & your summary paragraph (one paragraph!) in your homework. Do your best! :)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Summary Exercise!
- Noting Question requirements carefully
- Underline/ highlight the answers
- Counting your points before you write (aim for >10)
- Paraphrase each one systematically
- Use good vocab and original phrasing
You can view the assignment here. :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
Reflections on "The Giver" 1
For 1SE, this is due on 12 Aug (Thur)
And for 1PR, it's due on Friday the 13th!
Reflections on the Sacrifices of the Community - at least 300 words
- Use rUbrIcs to aim for 8-10 marks please! This is counted in CA3.
- DON'T just state facts!
- Remember "reflections" = personal response, feelings, views
- Elaborate using what you learnt after our review on your Poetry Test & Impression of Mama & Narrator too.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Poetry Revision Part 1 of 2
1. Suggested answers for "I dream a dream" (UPDATED!!***)
Note that in the actual test, "narrator's feelings" and "mood" won't come out together so you don't hv to worry about repeating yourself.
For mood questions, remember how to EXPLAIN how the mood is created. (highlighted in purple). Remember different parts of the poem can have different moods.
2. Ms Christina Chua's slides for Mood.
Learn the possible words you can use to describe mood. Remember them!! You don't want to lose marks just because you have lousy vocab.. :s
Please check the blog later for Part 2 of 2 (about "main message" questions)
*** Sorry! the previous version did not include the mood answer... I had uploaded the wrong version of the answer. My sincerest apologies.... sigh
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Poetry Revision Part 2 of 2 (1PE take note)
Remember that some writers want to talk all about their own feelings, thoughts and experiences (blue box). Some writers are kind of "preachy" (like me), and they want you to learn and do something (yellow box).
Sometimes, the message is a mix*. There might be a story or some of the writer's feelings, but he ALSO wants to tell you something. (E.g. He may use "You" or "We", sometimes). In such cases, write both the blue box, and yellow box stuff.
You may also choose, at the end of the message, to write about the general theme - E.g. for "I can see clearly now" - the theme (green box) is about hopefulness and optimism. Or, for "I dreamed a dream", the theme (recurring idea) is about broken dreams.
(1PE note: I only mentioned the song but didn't have time to let you hear it:)
*The song that I used to illustrate the blue and yellow box, that I mentioned in class, is "Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Collins. You can find it easily on Youtube or Google. It has both a basic story (the homeless, disabled girl & the mean man) and a social message to listeners (that's for you to figure out).
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Poetry Test Practice - I dreamed a dream
Do it well; it is one of the final practices for your test.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Girl Guides! June Profi Badgework
Please choose ONE or TWO proficiency badges to work on. Here is a list of 11 badges, including new ones like Cook (different from the handbook clause), Laundress & Hostess.
If you helped out at openhouse at the kitchen (thank u, good job!), you already qualify for Cook, so please do one more. If you helped out at the spice rooms (well done!), you have a huge "discount" for Hostess, so I hope you can also do another.
Personally, I hope you can do readers/ writers because I enjoy the Reading test (hahaha) and reading your works.
***PS: Sorry, forgot - ONLY Sec 3s to do Heritage Badge, please! You'll all get your turn ;p
Thursday, May 13, 2010
PW - Reminder about group files
Contents of Group File:
1) Cover & Contents
2) Minutes of meetings
3) Research Data - Secondary Data (From books, Internet, etc) AND Primary Data (survey findings, observations, analyses. Remember to state the significance of your data)
4) Individual Reflections (At least one reflection each, at end of project)
Go download the rubrics again. All the best!
Lang Arts - Poetry
Anyway, here are very simple, sample one-paragraph analyses of "Mad World" & "Over the rainbow/ Wonderful World".
To get you started on full-length analyses!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Here is an extract from Mrs Fern to start you on with your research on Philadelphia. You can use your research findings during the informal letter test.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Emily of Emerald Hill Resources
1. How do I give fuller explanations? (Aim for A+)
2. Passage Based Question Practice - How does Emily treat the dinner guests...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
PW - those who change their products...
Remember that MONDAY, 26 APRIL is the last day to change your product. I will not entertain any requests after that!
These are 2 updated recommendations from girls who came to see me today (22 April, Thurs). They were from 1CO and 1PE.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Chosen PW Products for GY, PR, SE, SY, CO & PE (updated)
All responsible group members must have the printout (below) of what their group has been instructed to create for the PW product. Read my instructions carefully because on May 17, you'll be marked according to how you achieved THE EXPECTATIONS I STATED FOR YOU!
Here's the compiled chosen recommendations for:
1. 1PR (updated)
2. 1 SE (updated for YuSze's group)
3. 1 SY
4. 1 CO (updated - all 8 groups)
5. 1 PE (*new)
6. 1 GY (*new)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
PW - en route to submitting your proposal....

How encouraging! A grand total of ONE group took the initiative to show me their proposal draft and ask if they're on the right track... ... bah :p
Well, I'm really glad to be able to help them, as there're a number of things they can work on to improve their score. I'm sharing those with you here, so that you can also learn from the little errors they made.
Areas for Improvement:
- Be clear. Use sub points to separate them.
E.g. A. "We want to educate people about how to cook Peranakan dishes by..."
B. "We will also encourage them to cook these dishes by providing info on where to find..." - Use S.M.A.R.T goals: Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Timed.
You cannot aim to "allow Peranakan culture (too broad!) be passed down from generation to future generations (not time-realistic. You are only holding ONE event, and you want to affect all future generations?) It's not achievable either.
E.g. "We aim to attract more young boys and girls aged 7-12 to take part in Peranakan past times like ... ..." Specific. Achievable. Realistic!
2. Citing your research.
- This is the opportunity for you to show off your effort in collating those surveys. So, please CITE specific statistics. E.g. "88% of our young respondents aged 7-12 could not differentiate Peranakan food from Malay food. However, only 60% of those respondents aged 13-16 failed to do so. This shows that we need to target the younger group more with greater effort..."
3. Recommendations
- Be as detailed as possible.
Planning a multi-stage launch? Use different paragraphs/ bullet points to describe each stage.
Doing a cookbook (not creative!)? Draw a mock-up of the cover, at least. Or a planned layout of your recipe, etc. - Using text and/or diagrams, I want to be able to visualise EXACTLY what you are doing. Only then can your creativity and logic show clearly.
4. Required resources.
- Be as detailed as possibe. Planning an exhibition in SCGS? You'll need tables, exhibit boards, table cloth, thumbtacks or velcro, etc. Put these in your budget and state how much they'll cost.
5. Tone.
Don't ask rhetorical questions in your proposal... ... you are not writing an impassioned speech. Be as formal as you can.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Girl Guides - Tests
Tests under Charmaine Lim:
1. ASEAN test
2. Conservation test
All the best!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
PW resources
For now, what I have to offer are:
1. Blank "Research findings & proposal ideas" worksheet
2. A completed sample of the above worksheet.
3. An UPDATED (30March) Proposal Sample. Please view it!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Language Arts - Resources (NEW!)
2. Here's a 9-paragraph sample answer :p for the character analysis of McGill in The Visitor. It has been colour-coded so you can see the precise adjective of the statement, and how evidence (quotes) and explanation are woven together in fluent sentences.
3. Okay, now that everyone's done their homework and submitted it, here is a sample answer to Karen's Character Analysis. Learn how to use explanations to echo your statement.
4. Here is a sample answer to explaning how the writer created suspense and tension in Hobnail.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Guides - Housekeeping Clause Form
You may use this FORM to pass your Housekeeping Clauses. Please get your parents to sign and comment and return it to my pigeonhole.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Girl Guides badge-work for March
Continue to build your skills and points for your coy by earning proficiency badges. Download the March 2010 instructions on a list of badges you should complete individually by 1st April.
All guides must complete at least one.
Lower Sec girls, as many of you are very enthusiastic about this, I hope you can do more than one.
Jia You!
Project Work - Marking Criteria
your Project Work on Peranakan Revive. How exciting ;p
OK - please use of the document below WHILE WRITING your proposal and CREATING your product. Many of your seniors last year didn't use it - to their horrible misfortune at marking time. You are lucky to get this early... use it!
Download the Marking_Criteria_For_Proposal_&_Product. This tells you what kind of marks you will get for doing "what kind of standard". I will go through this with you during lecture on 11 March, Thurs.