Monday, July 12, 2010

Poetry Revision Part 1 of 2

Hi girls, for part one, here are two materials:

1. Suggested answers for "I dream a dream" (UPDATED!!***)
Note that in the actual test, "narrator's feelings" and "mood" won't come out together so you don't hv to worry about repeating yourself.
For mood questions, remember how to EXPLAIN how the mood is created. (highlighted in purple). Remember different parts of the poem can have different moods.

2. Ms Christina Chua's slides for Mood.
Learn the possible words you can use to describe mood. Remember them!! You don't want to lose marks just because you have lousy vocab.. :s

Please check the blog later for Part 2 of 2 (about "main message" questions)

*** Sorry! the previous version did not include the mood answer... I had uploaded the wrong version of the answer. My sincerest apologies.... sigh

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