Thursday, February 2, 2012

1PE's current opinions on poems

1PE, the next time we do this, I hope "boring" will be much smaller.... Will try my best to make the lessons on poems show you that "fun" and "beautiful" can be much bigger!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1PR's take on Poetry!

After our introductory lesson on Poetry, this is what the 1PRians of 2012 feel about poems: (courtesy of

Sunday, January 15, 2012

For My Sec 1s - Comprehension Answers

Dear 1PE (because we didn't finish going through:( )

Please mark your vocabulary in "Unfinished Desires" according to the answers here. Please also do "Stress" for practice. After doing so, you may mark your answers with this.

Sleep early tonight and all the best for tomorrow's test!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Creative Arts Programme 2012

Calling all writing enthusiasts - start preparing your portfolios now! I will be making annoucments when school reopens, to collect them by mid-January 2012.

This is a prestigious mentorship programme run by the Gifted Education Branch of the MOE. Selected students (based on the strength of their portfolios) will be coached by experienced mentors, to help inspire them, hone their skills and bring them to the next level of creative writing. The best works will also be published in a book by the end of the programme.

For more details about preparing your portfolio, please download the pdf file here.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Kira Kira homework (P.E.E!) for the extra-long weekend!

For each Q, write at least 2 paragraphs in P.E.E format:
1. How has Lynn's character changed in chapter five?
2. How has Lynn and Katie's relationship changed in chapter five?

Writing Tips!

Each point must show the CHANGE. Hence, compare both"before" and "after" character traits.
E.g. 1. While Lynn used to be (insert adjective/ specific description), she has become rather (insert adjective/ specific description) since becoming friends with .....

Alternatively, you may say she has become "more" or "less" of a certain character trait.
E.g 2. In chapter five, Lynn grows more vain than she was before becoming friends with Amber....

While it's fine and good to cite evidence (which means just changing words in the book), you MUST also give some quotes (direct evidence in quotation marks) in an essay.

E.g. of citing evidence: Lynn suggested saving their pocket money to help their parents get closer to buying their own home.
E.g. of giving direct quotes: This was so that they would be "really" involved and "helping", rather than "just wishing" for it.

Notice that quotes are SHORT and impactful. Never quote long sentences.
Lastly, where possible, provide evidence for BOTH "before" and "after" characteristics.

If you use lots of quotes and evidence, explain each one before going on to the next quote.

Sample paragraph structure: (Explanation is in pink)
In chapter five, Lynn, who used to be (insert adjective), has now become more (insert adjective). She used to think camping was "the most fun thing she ever did", showing her love of the outdoors and active personality. However, she now (insert evidence) because Amber hated it too. She would rather spend her time (insert evidence), showing that she has become more vain and would rather do more feminine activities instead.

Some words & phrases to describe relationships:

Trusting/ Loving/ Affectionate/ Strained/ Distant/ Has complete understanding/ Has misunderstandings/ Tense/ Mutual respect/ etc

Power/ Authority:
Equal in power/ One is more dependent on the other/ One has more power than the other/ etc

Role (function):
Leader-follower relationship/ Constant companions/ Is a teacher/ nurturer/ substitute parent to... / Is protective of/ etc

Do your best and have some time to rest and relax:)

Monday, October 4, 2010

How to tackle "opinion" questions

Opinions are the most natural thing in the world. As long as you're human, you have them.

The challenge is how to form a WELL-INFORMED n LOGICAL opinion based on fact.

If you have to tackle an opinion-based essay (E.g. Which do you prefer; Why do you think; Do you agree that..., etc), please use all the content you've learnt from the book, giving quotes where necessary. You may want to think through your content based on 'Character', 'Relationships' & 'Theme'.

This document contains the discussions I had with 1pr, pe & se on how to use character, rships & theme as building blocks to answer the Q, "Do you agree that the ending to "EOEH" was a good ending?". (2008 exam)

ok I'm really tired now. All the best for your exams :)