Monday, September 27, 2010

Practice for The Giver (PBQ)

Dear Sec 1s,

Anxious about Paper 3? Well, here's a practice PBQ for you on "The Giver". The actual exam format for "The Giver" will be similar.

Q1 - please SCOUR the passage thoroughly to find points! Comb every line to find possible answers. There's a lot!
Q2 - same as above to find MOOD. (i.e. feelings present/ the general atmosphere among them - how are they feeling? How are they feeling FOR each other/ treating each other?)
2nd part of Q - Think: What are significant changes in Jonas life? How does this affect how he interacts with his family later?

Your total length for this 25m question should be around 1 full sheet (2 sides) of foolscap paper. Remember to use the S.E.E format.

Jia You!

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