Thursday, May 27, 2010

Girl Guides! June Profi Badgework

Dear Girl Guides,

Please choose ONE or TWO proficiency badges to work on. Here is a list of 11 badges, including new ones like Cook (different from the handbook clause), Laundress & Hostess.

If you helped out at openhouse at the kitchen (thank u, good job!), you already qualify for Cook, so please do one more. If you helped out at the spice rooms (well done!), you have a huge "discount" for Hostess, so I hope you can also do another.

Personally, I hope you can do readers/ writers because I enjoy the Reading test (hahaha) and reading your works.

***PS: Sorry, forgot - ONLY Sec 3s to do Heritage Badge, please! You'll all get your turn ;p

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs Cheong !
    This is Denise. 3 questions to ask you...For the cook badge, do we still need to fill in the form ?
    Also, isit the Hostess badge the discount is ONLY for those who help out in the spice room or both spice room and kitchen?(cause in you message you said "for those who helped in the spice room will have discount for hostess " but in your word document, "Those who helped out at spice rooms & kitchen during openhouse can skip 1 &2" I am a bit confused.:) )
    Lastly, can we email it to you our work (if any) to you earlier so that you can check and if there is a need to redo then we can do it faster.
    Thanks Mrs Cheong !
